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im the kind of person that lyks 2 do sumthin & have fun, but i can b shy sumtyms ^^

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dead Girl's Mother Hugs Bullying Teenager

          The article i read is called "Dead Girl's Mother hugs Bullying B.C. Teenager" by Ian Bailey. The main idea in this article is forgiveness.
           The article is about a mother who found her fourteen year old daughter had committed suicide. In the suicide note, she said that she was bullied by three girls in her school and that if she got help, it would get worse, and there was no way out of her situation. One of the girls that bullied her was charged for criminally harassing her daughter. The mother came up to the girl and said that she forgave her, and told her to be a better person. The girl had to write a 750 page essay about bullying, 18 month probation, 6 month ban on using her cellphone, attend counselling, and 20 hours of community service.
           The significance that the writer is telling is that you can choose to do something, but you got to be careful, or you will have to pay the consequences.